Software per la gestione delle manutenzioni programmate
Infocad offers a complete set of tools for the management of planned maintenance, even on large assets, enabling the management of cyclical maintenance services of various types from different companies.
In addition, the maintenance management software makes it possible to monitor the progress of the service, to visualise and approve planned activities for individual buildings and installations, to ensure that the planned time schedule for each activity is met, and to manage the finalisation and validation of the services performed.
Available reports allow managers to monitor the progress and contractual compliance of the maintenance services provided.
Scarica la scheda tecnica Gestione Manutenzioni Programmate
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It plans activities by means of a calendar or Gantt chart, highlighting recurrences and enabling proper coordination of maintenance activities.
Each event can be handled individually, allowing for repositioning or complete modification, including changes in frequency or period of execution.
The calendar can be exported in Excel, Word and PDF formats, ensuring maximum flexibility in data sharing and archiving. Through customisable filters, specific time periods, companies, properties and facilities can be selected for targeted analysis.
View tasks via an intuitive and interactive calendar. Users can view scheduled tasks in a calendar format, enabling quick understanding and management of the workload.
Each activity is represented clearly and distinctively, with options to highlight recurrences and crucial details.
Through this visualisation, tasks can be examined and planned according to their priority. Users can easily identify upcoming deadlines, overlapping tasks and time windows available for new tasks.
Use control reports that provide you with a detailed overview of the progress of maintenance services.
Through these reports, you can monitor and evaluate maintenance system performance over time, identify trends, spot areas for improvement and make informed decisions to optimise operations.
They can include a set of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the maintenance process.
It plans activities by means of a calendar or Gantt chart, highlighting recurrences and enabling proper coordination of maintenance activities.
View tasks via an intuitive and interactive calendar.
Use control reports that provide you with a detailed overview of the progress of maintenance services.
Sei tu a pianificare gli interventi di manutenzione
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Pianifica gli interventi manutentivi
Visualizza le attività a calendario
Definisci gli Oggetti Intervento
Pianifica gli interventi manutentivi
Visualizza le attività a calendario
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