>> Amministra la contabilità di tutti i tuoi edifici

Software per l’amministrazione e la contabilità degli edifici

Infocad integrates stock, administrative control and pricing features for complete accounting management of operations and works of varying complexity.

It covers a wide range of activities, from extraordinary operations management to major renovations and new construction.

This system facilitates the coordination of all phases of a project, starting from design and budgeting, through approval of the executive design, management of the companies involved, construction, and testing to final delivery.

>> gestione progetti

Gestisci i progetti relativi ai tuoi immobili

Infocad is an essential tool forcentralized management of all projects, offering a typical project management approach at a higher level. Its features include:

>> Complete project management;

>> Intuitive dashboards;

>> Checks compliance with the schedule for each activity;

>> Advanced analysis.


>> gestione budget

Registra e monitora le voci di costo e i relativi finanziamenti

Designed to meet the important need to record, monitor and manage cost items and related financing in a detailed and customized manner, adapting to specific customer needs.

You will havesoftware di budget e controllo di gestione budget and management control software at your disposal comprehensive to manage all accounting steps related to the performance of a given process. This includes:

>> Registration and expenditure forecast;

>> Stanziamento dei finanziamenti;

>> Monitoring of actual costs.


>> lavori, magazzino e contabilità

Gestisci facilmente uno o più magazzini

An integrated system to manage accounting for interventions and works of various complexities, ranging from off-canon activities to major renovations and complete works. The features of a stock accounting management includes:

>> Integration of functions;

>> Coordination of work phases;

>> Real-time visibility;


>> richiedi una demo live gratuita con uno dei nostri esperti

Amministra i tuoi immobili in un unico software

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